August 20

Product Creators and Affiliates: This is The Blogpost You Need to Write, Right Now!

Today, we look at the best way to structure your blog post so that what is written as an info article can, in fact, be a brilliant advert for your product range. Don’t believe me, well, read the short outline below and see what you think…

Have you ever wondered if there’s a magic formula for the best way to write a blog post article that introduces your products? Well…

Product Creators and Affiliates: This is The Blog-post You Need to Write, Right Now

I’m scrolling around when I happen upon this gem:

“12 Under-The-Radar Trader Joe’s Products You Need to Try Immediately”

Trader Joe’s is a U.S. grocery store chain that is known for its own product line of interesting, tasty and not necessarily healthy products such as appetizers, desserts, pastas and a whole lot more. But that’s not important here.

What is important is that this ‘article’ isn’t really an article at all, but a free Trader Joe’s advertisement.

The article starts by espousing how shopping at Trader Joe’s is a never-ending hunt to find your new favorite product, how there are hundreds to choose from and how there are real gems people are overlooking.

If this isn’t an advertisement I’ll eat my shorts, but it reads like an article.

Why not use this post as a template to write your own articles?

“5 Under-the-Radar Traffic Generating Products You Need to Try Immediately”

“7 Under-the-Radar IM Products Under $20 You Need to Try Immediately”

“10 Under-the-Radar Social Media Apps You Need to Try Immediately”

Get the picture?

Each link leads either directly to a sales page or better yet, to a short page that introduces the product, preselling it to the reader.

Could you place this type of article on your website?

The Food52 article appears on multiple websites. Can you get other sites to pick up your own version of this article? Maybe. If you make a good case that your recommendations deliver awesome benefits, it’s entirely possible.

And even if your article only appears on your site, it’s also possible to gain links and free search engine traffic, too…

…along with some product sales.

You might even make this a weekly roundup of the best products in the niches you service. Get enough traffic and you’ll be able to negotiate discounts on affiliate products, too.

Heck, this could become an entire business all on its own.

First step? Write your first “X Under-the-Radar XYX Products You Need to Try Immediately” and get it on your own website.

Here’s the Food52 article for reference.

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Affiliate marketing, Blogging, Internet Marketing

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