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Hello, I help new marketers find the quality information products and services they need to ensure their own success.

I also report on current internet marketing related activity providing useful hints, tips, and content.

Gordon McKay, online marketing for beginners.

Communication skills improve your life, at work and at home. 

Here's how to get started:

New? Start Here!

Starting a new internet based project can be daunting - so many things to learn. The hints, tips, and resources we offer will make life that much easier. So, start here and see how we can help.

Check it Out!

Our blog provides a mixture of suggestions, hints, tips, and resources related to content creation, traffic generation, and email marketing.

Save yourself the time and trouble of doing the digging yourself!

What is Gordon's Role?

In the About page I describe the Californian gold rush of 1848 and how the camp hardware stores provided the picks and pans for the miners. These stores kept the miners supplied with everything they needed to keep going.

In many ways I see my role here as similar to the camp stores but I'm supplying information, help and support rather than picks and shovels.

I see myself as a reporter and publisher working to supply the information you need to keep you going in your own digital activities. Let's do it together!

Discover the Pro Marketing Skills Blog

Stay up to date with the latest tips & tools for pro marketers.

August 20, 2024


August 14, 2024


August 2, 2024


About Me.

I'm helping people just like you with your search for marketing hints, tips, tools, and resources. I’ll focus on supplying a mix of news, information and product suggestions in an easy-to-understand format that will save you time and effort.

So, I’ll do the legwork – find the information, the hints and tips, the tools, etc that will make your own efforts that much more straightforward – then I’ll post it here so that it’s available to you. You’ll be able to use the info I post as though you’d spent time discovering it yourself.

For a more complete explanation of what we stand for please see our complete about page.

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