
Picture of Gordon McKay.

Gordon J McKay - online marketing for beginners

Thanks for visiting the gordonjmckay.com website, (that's me in the photo by the way) and the J stands for John if you’re wondering. Here I'll explain what you'll get when using the gordonjmckay.com website.

What will gordonjmckay.com do for you?

It will help people just like you, who are searching for marketing hints, tips, tools, and resources. The focus will be on supplying a mixture of news, information and product suggestions in an easy-to-understand format that will save you time and effort. So, I’ll do the legwork and find the information, the hints and tips, the tools, etc. that will make your own efforts that much more productive. Then, I’ll post it here so that it’s available to you. You’ll be able to use the info I post as though you’d spent time discovering it yourself.

So, Why does this help?

Well, as an example, take the California gold rush which started on 24th January 1848. It all started when gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California. Fortunes were made but many people arrived with absolutely no idea of what they were doing, how to get started, or what equipment they needed. Through all the digging, the panning, the back breaking effort, the key contact in many of the mining camps was the little shop who supplied the pans, the picks, the sieves, and so on. These hardware stores kept the miners supplied with the equipment (the information of the day) they needed to keep going and realise their dreams.
Gordonjmckay.com will be your “hardware store” where you’ll get the support to go after your dreams.

Who is Gordon J McKay?

Age wise, I’m in my middle 60’s, married with two grown up sons and four brilliant grandkids – not forgetting my two daughters-in-law. Why is this important? – because, in a lot of ways, I’m probably just like you. We share many of the same problems and we’re looking for the same solutions.
You’re probably asking, “What makes me qualified to do this?” Well, I’ve worked in sales and marketing for over 35 years and during that time my focus has always been on helping people just like you achieve their goals. Finding the solutions that make my customers life that bit easier. I’ve done the “digging” in my “corporate life” and helped those people hit their targets. I did this by presenting the solutions those people needed for their own particular problems.  I’ll do the same for you now by finding the solutions and information you need today.

Equally important – what we’re not interested in!

We’re not into any of this “get rich quick” type stuff we hear about. I’m sure you’ve been swamped with just how many people out there can promise you $1,000,000 by this time next week, a new Ferrari, and fire your boss tomorrow. Or, they have the hottest new thing in push button money creation – I even fell for one of those myself a while back. Boy, do I know how bad it feels when you realise that all I’ve done is put money in someone else’s bank account with nothing to show for it. Worse, I ended up falling foul of YouTube’s Terms of Service. Talk about “live and learn”, Wow!.

A New project takes commitment.

When you’re setting up a new project it will take work, effort, and commitment but we can try and make that journey as enjoyable as we can. Also, we’re not into working 7 days a week and having no time to be with friends and family. Making money, and the freedom it brings, is important but we need to have time for other things, and people, in life.

So, what now?

Some of the marketers we see and hear about will shout that they’re having a six-figure product launch, or that you can have a seven figure a year income, all you’ve got to do is buy their shiny new software or course or whatever. Now, while these numbers are all very relevant to THEM, to people in the early stages of their marketing journey, people like you and me, these numbers seem like a million miles away. We need to find the tools to make things work in the “here and now”.
So, as I’ve mentioned above, I’m probably very much like you. I may not have all the answers, tools, tips, and tricks that we both want right now – but I’m willing to look for them, and I’d be happy to share what I find with you. Let’s find the things that work – together!